About the product
Copy-writing in your chosen style for your target audience for brochures, case studies, newsletters, fliers, website content, advertorials, press releases, technical documentation, reports - anything with the written word, even a simple business letter

We don't just grab a pen and paper and start writing. We review your image and branding to ensure its integrity, analyse the target audience and ensure we follow the brief. If you don't have one, we'll do that too!

Sometimes, an internal person is just too close to the product or the business to write objectively and simply. Sometimes, they're just too technical and cannot write in layman's terms because they know too much! That's where we come in - just that we are fresh ears and eyes to your product or service.

It's already written but it's not hitting the spot....

We can still help. We don't have to start from a blank page, we're equally happy to give your pre-written copy the once-over, revise it and send back a revised version.
We also provide training workshops in effective business writing.
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