Waste and Enviromental Management Services

Waste and Enviromental Management Services
About the product

Industrial Waste Services

Consider us your one-stop source for all your industrial and hazardous waste services. We have the equipment, facilities and expertise to help you develop waste management, recycling programs, and implement proven waste minimization schemes that exemplify the best in safety, performance and cost reduction.

Clinical waste management

We offer clinical wastes incineration at affordable price; we have waste collection vehicle which will reach you at your generation site as per client needs. We advice our client to separate clinical wastes according to their toxicity or hazardous level and properly stored for collection in the appropriate colored plastic bag which must be effectively and securely tied for easy collection and safely transportation by TMHS team.

Confidential documents disposal

We provide confidential Document safe disposal services at affordable price, we dispose all types of wastes in any form, and mechanism of disposing will depend on nature of wastes available. We insure privacy and high degree of secrete of the information which require high confidentiality such as hospital cards, financial information, intellectual property, secret designs, innovations and others.
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