Big Five Tour - Safari Game Drive

Big Five Tour - Safari Game Drive
About the product
National Parks: ( Tarangire, Serengeti & Ngorongoro )

Tarangire National Park
Known as Home of Elephants, main attractions being Elaphants, Baobab Trees, Tarangire river, Silalei Plain (Sable Antelopes) and Tree Pythons.

Serengeti National Park
Endless Plain, Wilderbeest Migration (longest migration in the world), kopges stones resulted from sail errotion hibitant for animals eg Lion, Grumate river (crocodile feeding on the migration twice a year), Zebra leads the migration,

Ngorongoro Crater
600 meter deep crater and only the crater in the whole with wildlife,main attractions being the Big Five (Black Rhino, Lion, Buffalos,Elephant and Leopard), variety of birds species both aquatic and terrestrial.
Olduvai Gorge where the first human skull was discovered; Laitolia first human being footprint sited discovered by Mary Leakey; empakai crater; and Oldoinyo Lengai also know as mountain of god

2400 USD
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