Questions & Answers for Genius Consultancy - HRM Consultants & Recruiters - Dar Es Salaam

Here you will find questions & answers for Genius Consultancy - HRM Consultants & Recruiters. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Tanzania Pages users.
How much does it cost for psychometric acast test and how long it takes to get the results?
Why don't you answer questions?
Do you conduct an international Psychometric test score? (IPPACTS) and your internationally registered and recognized? If yes let me know the cost
Do you conduct Psychometric Test and are you internationally certified for that? if yes How much does it cost?
1. Do you conduct Psychometric Test
2. Are you Internationally certified as Psychometric Test center?
What are your daily activities?
Which qualifications meet the capability to be hired by your company?

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